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Reading & Phonics 自然拼读 - Grades 1 & 2

自然拼读阅读-Build a strong foundation of English language skills

Starts Jan 20
300 US dollars
Online - Zoom

Available spots

Service Description

菠萝学校专为低年级学生设计的自然拼读和阅读课程,引导孩子开启他们的英语读写世界。我们的课程完全按照美式课程设计,在培养基本阅读和自然拼读技能的同时,让学习变得轻松愉快。 🔤 1-2年级:自然拼读趣味启蒙 - 学习26个字母的发音和常见字母组合的拼读规律 - 通过游戏、歌曲和故事培养英语兴趣 - 提升基础阅读能力,为阅读简单句子打下坚实基础 - 互动学习环境: 我们的课程在生动、互动的虚拟环境中进行,确保每个学生都能积极参与,并在整个课程中保持投入。 小班授课: 每班人数限制为4-5个学生,小班利于学生关注,能更有效的学习。 上课时间:1.20-2.14周一周三周五 晚上7-7:55点 (1.27放假) 课费:10节课$300

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If there are less than four students enrolled for a class, Boluo School reserves the right to cancel the class. Boluo School strives to provide the best quality service for each student. If a course does not meet your expectations, Boluo School will refund the remaining tuition before the second class. However, notice must be given within the first week of starting a course.

Contact Details

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