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Reading & Writing (3-4G) - RW101

9/23-12/16 | Mon | 7-7:55 EDT

Starts Sep 23
380 US dollars

Available spots

Service Description

Students in 3-4 grades are in a transition from Learn to Read to Read to Learn, so reading comprehension is critical in this phase. Meanwhile, writing will be added to their routing English learning to prepare for more advanced writing in higher grades. This small group reading and writing class focuses on developing literacy skills through engaging activities and interactive learning. Students will read and explore various genres of literature, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and short stories, to enhance their reading comprehension and fluency. Through guided reading sessions and writing exercises, students will strengthen their vocabulary, grammar, and critical thinking skills. Emphasizing creativity and expression, the class encourages students to express their ideas and thoughts through written assignments and group discussions. About the Instructor: Jessica is a dedicated and responsive teacher with proven skills in improving academic performance and individualized support. Her teaching style is fun and engaging. She has a BA and a Master's degree in education, and has worked with mainly 3-5th graders to boost their educational success. Session: 9/23-12/16 (no class during Thanksgiving week) Days: Mondays Time: 7-7:55 EDT | 4-4:55 pm 三至四年级的学生正处于从 “学会阅读 ”到 “阅读学会 ”的过渡阶段,因此阅读理解能力在这一阶段至关重要。同时,写作也将加入到他们的常规英语学习中,为高年级更高级的写作做准备。 这个为三、四年级学生开设的小组阅读和写作课,学生将探索各种类型的文学作品,包括小说、非小说、诗歌和短篇小说,以提高他们的阅读理解能力和流利程度。通过指导阅读和写作练习,学生将加强词汇、语法和批判性思维能力。该课程强调创造力和表达能力,鼓励学生通过书面作业和小组讨论表达自己的观点和想法。 关于讲师 Jessica 是一名敬业且反应迅速的教师,在提高学习成绩和个性化辅导方面拥有成熟的技能。她的教学风格生动有趣、引人入胜。她拥有教育学学士学位和硕士学位,主要为 3-5 年级学生授课,以提高他们的学习成绩。

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If there are less than four students enrolled for a class, Boluo School reserves the right to cancel the class. Boluo School strives to provide the best quality service for each student. If a course does not meet your expectations, Boluo School will refund the remaining tuition before the second class. However, notice must be given within the first week of starting a course.

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