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Scholastic Contest Writing (13y+)- SW

9/9-12/2 | Mondays | 8-9:30 pm EDT

Started Sep 10
800 US dollars
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Service Description

Scholastic Writing and Art contest is one of the largest and most prestigious writing contest in the US. Our writing class is designed to get students their best writing samples ready for submission by deadline. The course will have two five-week modules and students will work on two most popular genres for the contest. 1- Personal Essay and Memoir: Write one or two personal essays of 1000-3000 words with revisions. 9/9-10/7 2- Fantasy/Science-fiction short story OR fantasy/science-fiction play: Write two short stories (800-3000 words) or a one-act play with revisions. 11/4-12/2 The workshop will provide writing exercises, ideas for stories, brainstorming exercises, visualizations, in-class short practice sessions to quickly develop ideas. Each story, poem, play, or essay will go through several revisions. Teacher will guide you through technical skills for each genre and there will be progress from introductory topics to advanced skills. At the end of class, students will choose their strongest writing sample to enter into the contest. About the instructor: Dr. Jeffrey graduated from Yale University with a Bachelor’s degree in Comparative Literature. Later he received his Master’s degree in English Literature from Cambridge University and a doctorate degree in Comparative Literature from The University of California at Berkeley. He is a teaching faculty at UC Berkeley’s Department of Education in Writing. Almost half of Dr Jeffrey’s students every year receive some distinction from Scholastic, including regional gold keys and national medal awards. Session: 9/16-12/9 (10 classes) Days: Mondays Time: 8-9:30 EDT | 5-5:55 PDT 90 minutes per session Scholastic 写作和艺术竞赛是美国规模最大、最负盛名的写作竞赛之一。本课程将帮学生写出他们最棒的参赛习作,在截止日期前上交。 该课程有两个为期五周的单元,学生将学习两种最受欢迎的竞赛体裁: SW1- 个人随笔和回忆录: 撰写一篇或两篇 1000-3000 字的个人随笔,并进行修改 - 9/9-10/7 SW2- 幻想/科幻短篇小说或幻想/科幻剧本: 写两篇短篇小说(800-3000 字)或一出独幕剧,并进行修改。11/4-12/2 每节课将提供写作练习、故事构思、头脑风暴练习、可视化练习、课内短期练习,以快速开发构思。 每个故事、诗歌、剧本或作文都将经过多次修改。 老师将指导您掌握每种体裁的写作技巧,从入门主题到高级技巧,循序渐进。课后,学生将选择自己最擅长的写作样本参加比赛。 关于讲师 安德森博士本科毕业于耶鲁大学,研究生毕业于剑桥大学。 他拥有加州大学伯克利分校博士学位。 他教的Scholastic Art and Writing班上学生中有一半获得了荣誉奖、银奖或金奖--与其他写作教师相比,他的获奖比例无与伦比。

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Cancellation Policy

If there are less than four students enrolled for a class, Boluo School reserves the right to cancel the class. Boluo School strives to provide the best quality service for each student. If a course does not meet your expectations, Boluo School will refund the remaining tuition before the second class. However, notice must be given within the first week of starting a course.

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